Welcome to this edition of my monthly newsletter! Maybe you noticed, maybe not, that I’m combining May and June’s newsletter. I think this is an excellent reminder for you (and definitely for me), that I’m human and sometimes life gets in the way. In May, the things that got in my way, in the best way, were: my first week back in school, preparing for and leading a workshop, and a girl’s weekend at the beach. And now that we’re well into June, life looks like getting swept up into Summer, playing in my garden, and spending precious time with friends and family.
Getting swept up in Summer feels beautifully woven into this newsletter’s therapy theme: how can you live with intention? What does it mean to live a life that is aligned with your values? When I think about these ideas for me and this newsletter specifically, my intention is to connect with you, share resources, and let you in on what’s going on in my world. And when I...
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