Welcome to this edition of my monthly newsletter! I don’t know about you, but I blinked, and July was gone. In the past few weeks, I traveled to Colorado for a training with Naropa University and MAPS, did a lot of school work, and have been recovering from a post-travel sickness that is finally starting to let go. In all of the Summer things, a Therapy Theme has emerged that feels truly foundational to my own life, and to all of the work I do with my clients: self compassion.
The theme of self-compassion has emerged over and over again this Summer, as we all navigate making plans, feeling busy, and all of the life stuff that causes us to sometimes be really tough on ourselves.
If this is resonating, I invite you to start by taking a look at the opposite of self compassion. Not being compassionate with yourself looks like being self-critical, beating yourself up, and setting unfair and unrealistic expectations for yourself. You can start to...
Welcome to this edition of my monthly newsletter! Maybe you noticed, maybe not, that I’m combining May and June’s newsletter. I think this is an excellent reminder for you (and definitely for me), that I’m human and sometimes life gets in the way. In May, the things that got in my way, in the best way, were: my first week back in school, preparing for and leading a workshop, and a girl’s weekend at the beach. And now that we’re well into June, life looks like getting swept up into Summer, playing in my garden, and spending precious time with friends and family.
Getting swept up in Summer feels beautifully woven into this newsletter’s therapy theme: how can you live with intention? What does it mean to live a life that is aligned with your values? When I think about these ideas for me and this newsletter specifically, my intention is to connect with you, share resources, and let you in on what’s going on in my world. And when I...
Welcome to my first newsletter! Thank you so much for your continued support as I navigate new avenues of my business. This newsletter is exciting for me because it gives me an opportunity to connect with you on a different level. My hope is to share practice updates, therapy themes, as well as personal reflections and resources with you that I hope will be supportive and helpful.
Some weeks, I find myself having very similar conversations with my clients. Whether this is a real-life example of collective consciousness, or simply a coincidence, you can decide for yourself! This month, specifically around the holidays, I found myself having many conversations around boundaries. Makes sense, right? Many of us see family, and in so doing have a need for boundaries (or struggle with a lack of boundaries).
If you’re a client of mine, chances are we’ve had a conversation about all-or-nothing thinking. This thought pattern means that you like to label...
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